Status: Completed
Location: Market St, Brooklyn, NY 11205
Area: 215,000 SF
Completion: Fall 2016
Client Site:
This 215,000 SF site in the Brooklyn Navy Yard contains 2 major existing buildings which were erected during WWI and WWII to assist the military in the creation of navy ships. It was after the wars that the buildings began a transformation into a variety of different uses from storage and industrial uses mainly by small vendors. The complex is now transforming into the Green Manufacturing Center, with the focus on the development of green products. The large open volume will be separated into three spaces each approximately 50,000 sf surrounding an open courtyard design for parking and truck access. The architecture will honor and maintain the design by using 21st century sustainable materials in a way to keep the character of the building. The other sustainable features of the new development are the abundance of natural light on the roof, Kallwall glazing skylights, bringing in 80% of the natural light, in the open volume of the buildings. In addition, there are roof fans that will supply natural ventilation to all the tenants. Lighting is also energy efficient both in the method and the amount of wattage that it uses. This will be a simple structure that brings a WWI building back to life with energy efficiency.